Simple Pleasures: Spring

My favourite season is fall. I love the colours as the leaves turn red, orange, yellow. These are all my favourite colours to look at because they are so vibrant and exciting. I always feel a little bit odd calling fall my favourite season. Shouldn’t spring be my favourite, the time of life, birth, rebirth, in direct contrast to the death of fall? But how can rebirth happen without death? Life and death are entwined in an unbreakable cycle.

Today, I pay homage to spring. I’m putting aside the allergies and the fights with pigeons (how have I not written a post about this?!) that want to build their family on my balcony. I turn my head and eyes to the flowers. I luxuriate in the feel of the sun on my skin, on my face. With birdsong as my alarm each morning, I wake up to another beautiful day.

I’m grateful for spring. The sound of rain outside my window brings me back to St. Lucia, to days and nights of heavy raindrops on the galvanized roof. As I go to sleep tonight, I’ll savour the sound of the rain and let it soothe me to sleep.

One Comment

  1. May 6, 2020

    Ahhh, you’re lucky. Here in Thailand it’s hot and then very hot, oh and we might get some crazy rain. Miss those spring flowers!

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