Travel around the World

Last updated on January 4, 2025

I went to Georgia with my friend Mel in 2019. At the time, we calculated that we had been to 21 countries together in 14 years of friendship. This prompted me to list all the countries I’ve lived in or visited, whether alone or with friends. I’m now at 67 countries.

I’ve started filling in the dates. I use the dates I lived there or the date of my first visit.

  1. Australia (Dec 23)
  2. Austria
  3. Bahrain
  4. Barbados
  5. Belgium
  6. Botswana
  7. Canada (1992 – 2003)
  8. China
  9. Croatia
  10. Cuba
  11. Czech Republic (2013 – now)
  12. Denmark
  13. Egypt
  14. England
  15. Ethiopia
  16. Finland
  17. France (Mainland, Martinique)
  18. Germany
  19. Georgia
  20. Greece (Dec 24)
  21. Hungary
  22. India (2003 – 2005)
  23. Indonesia
  1. Ireland
  2. Italy
  3. Israel
  4. Japan (2009 – 2013)
  5. Jordan
  6. Kenya
  7. Luxembourg (Sept 23)
  8. Malaysia (Jan 24)
  9. Malta (Oct 23)
  10. Martinique
  11. Mauritania
  12. Montenegro
  13. Morocco
  14. Namibia
  15. Netherlands
  16. New Zealand (Dec 23)
  17. Norway
  18. Philippines
  19. Poland
  20. Portugal (Dec 23)
  21. St Lucia (birth – 1992)
  22. Scotland
  1. Senegal (Mar 22)
  2. Serbia
  3. Singapore
  4. Slovakia
  5. Slovenia
  6. South Africa
  7. South Korea (Dec 23)
  8. Spain (Mainland, Madeira)
  9. Sudan (2005 – 2009)
  10. Switzerland
  11. Sweden
  12. Tanzania (incl. Zanzibar)
  13. Thailand
  14. Tunisia
  15. Turkey
  16. Uganda
  17. United Arab Emirates
  18. USA
  19. Vatican City
  20. Vietnam (Nov 23)
  21. Yemen (Socotra)
  22. Zimbabwe
  23. Zambia (only over the bridge)

Countries in bold are where I’ve lived for at least 2 years.

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